Implant Grade Stainless Steel Being Used by Jewelers
The Value of Implant Grade Alloys
More body jewelers have seen the value of using implant grade metals, like ASTM F138 316 LVM Stainless Steel, for products that will be worn in or on the body. These alloys are certified to an ASTM "F" specification, which when applied to metals, signifies that the quality of the alloy is acceptable to be used in a medical application. Some of these "F specs" indicate implant grade, while others indicate surgical instrumentation grade. It is important to make sure that the material used is to the implant grade. These grades go through an additional process called "vacuum melting" (the "VM" in 316L-VM) which not only removes impurities, but in the case of stainless steel, allows for a better surface layer on the material. This layer prevents the leeching of elements, like nickel, into the body. Very important for people with nickel allergies.